Friday 17 April 2015

What is Execution Based Testing and Non Execution Based Testing?

What is Execution Based Testing and Non Execution Based Testing?
1. Non execution based testing means the module is always reviewed by a team. The non execution based testing relies on fault detection strategy.

The fault-detecting power of these non-execution based testing techniques leads to rapid, thorough, and early fault detection.

Non-execution based testing is also known by the name static testing or you can say by static program analysis.

2. Execution based testing: - On this execution based testing the modules are run against test cases. Following are the two ways of systematically constructing test data to test a module.

Types of Execution Testing:

There are two types of execution based testing:

1. Black-box testing: It is the sort of testing in which the code itself is ignored; the exclusive information handle in designing test cases are the specification document.

2. White-box testing: It is the sort of testing in which the code itself is tested, without regard of the specifications.

At end we conclude that Non-execution based testing is also called as static testing and execution based testing is known as dynamic testing.

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