Friday 17 April 2015

Explain Business Process Testing? | Manual Testing Tutorial

Explain Business Process Testing?
Business Process Testing is abbreviated as BPT which guides Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to design always QA tests early in the development cycle and in a process which is script-free also.

1. Some Reusable Business Components.
2. Those Business Components who are converted into Business process test.
3. Business components which are reusable units and that always performs a general task in a business process. (For example – Add to Cart).
4. A business process test means it is a scenario comprising about business components (for example - Place an Order).

Business Process Testing means it is based on the creation, implementation, and running about business components in business mechanism tests using the following parts:-
1. Few Quality Center Business Components: - Business Components module enables you to always manage some reusable business components.
2. Some Test Plan: - Test Plan module always enables you to drag the components into business process tests, and debug the components also.
3. Some Test Lab modules: - Test Lab module enables you to run business process tests and view the results also.

In business process testing SME (Subject Matter Expert) has the few roles to play like: -
1. SME defines and creates components.
2. Combines components into the business process tests.
3. Can also automate components.              
4. Always checks the business process test and application.

In business process testing AE (Automation Engineer) has the few effective roles to play like: -
1. Automation Engineer (AE) creates application areas.
2. Involves in Object repository.
3. Involves in Recovery scenarios and
4. Debugs the scenarios too.

Business Process Testing is always considered as a role-based testing model. It always enables Automation Engineers and SME (Subject Matter Experts) to work together to test a behavior of business processes during the period of application's development life cycle.

Automation Engineers are obviously experts in the field of automated testing. They preferably use Quick Test to define the resources and settings needed to establish components, which are the building blocks about business process tests.

Subject Matter Experts always understand the various parts of the application being tested, as well as the few business processes that need to be tested, however they may or may not necessarily have a spectacular knowledge of some programming needed to create automated tests.
SME use the Business Components and Test Plan modules data in Quality Center to create always keyword-driven business mechanism tests.

Integration between spectacular Quick Test and Quality Center always enables the Automation Engineer to create securely and maintain the required resources and settings.
While on the other hand it enables SMO (Subject Matter Experts) to create and implement business process tests in an effective environment which is always script-free, without the urge for any programming knowledge.

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